The McGowan Leaders
Chosen for their principles and practice.
The Idea
Recipients of the McGowan Ethical Leader of the Year Award help us to shine a light on principled leadership in practice. These leaders are the living working, proof that principles and profits are not incompatible. They serve a range of stakeholders. And they inspire.
The Details
McGowan Award Recipients
Marvin Ellison
Lowe’s Marvin Ellison leads a diverse team of decisionmakers who are building business and community across a network of 1800 stores. Read More.
Ed Bastian
Among Ed Bastian’s practices and achievements at Delta: offering the world’s most generous employee profit-sharing plan and leading the nation in operational excellence. Read More.
Charles F. Lowrey
His objectives alongside profitability: a commitment to Prudential’s hard-pressed hometown and a code of content called, “Making the Right Choice.” Read More.