The Next Step Is All of Us

A Letter from Executive Director Diana Spencer Dear Friends, Commencement of the new school year has always been a time for joy and renewed hope as children and youth prepare bookbags and weekly schedules. They anticipate the year ahead: new teachers, friends they’ve...

The Year That Called for Courage and Principled Leadership

A letter from the 2020 annual report Dear Friends, Thank you for sharing your time with us as we reflect on 2020. Our fiscal year of 2020 began with excitement as we considered the next large-scale, high-impact national initiative. With our allocation strategy of...

Don’t Let Uncertainty Get You Down

A Letter from Executive Director Diana Spencer Dear Friends, One thing that is certain in this uncertain world: No one is immune from the COVID situation today. Some people are vigilant in protecting themselves and others. Some people do not see a severe...

Grantees Share Their COVID Experiences

A Letter from Executive Director Diana Spencer Dear Colleagues & Friends, When we asked grantees about their experience of COVID and what they’ve learned, letters full of stories, tips, and ideas flooded in. That’s a hallmark of McGowan grantees: They’re generous...

In the Age of COVID, Ongoing Tweaks and Considerations

A Letter from Executive Director Diana Spencer To Our Grantee Partners, What an unchartered journey we are all traversing! Like a dark and silent war taking thousands of lives, furloughing record numbers of people, and creating great economic uncertainty, COVID-19 has...