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Choices Ahead in Leadership and Hiring: Two Conversations with McGowan’s Executive Director

Online, Monday, June 13, 2022 — Recognizing an increasing hunger for good leadership and strong, ethical organizations, Executive Director Diana Spencer has offered ideas and insights in two separate podcasts.

In the first conversation, Spencer joined Enterprise Radio host Eric Dye to discuss the pathways that the McGowan Fund has forged with its Fellows Program, which provides tuition and specialized training to 10 MBA students every year. Among Spencer’s key insights: McGowan has found that a combination of theory, coaching, and experience is particularly effective in fostering ethical leadership. Listen to their conversation here.

The second conversation occurred in the context of the Fund’s first-ever William G. McGowan Ethical Leader of the Year Award. The award went to Charles F. Lowrey, chairman and CEO of Prudential Financial. This discussion focused on the efficacy of skills-based hiring, an approach that concentrates on a potential employee’s practical skills and performance rather than formal qualifications. Among the insights: Skills-based hiring is a win-win for both employer and employee and typically fosters a special loyalty among employees.

Catch Spencer’s summary below.