The Right Tech

How personalization can change teaching and learning Chicago’s Lovett Elementary School teems with energy. On any day, you might catch a presentation called “Real Men Read” or celebrate with the Principal Scholars, students who have earned all A’s in key subjects. Too...

Walk with Kids, All the Way

An after-school club goes the distance By The Hand Club for Kids is a Chicago-based, after-school program that provides tutoring and support to children and teens in the city’s most under-resourced neighborhoods, including the Austin community. By The Hand Club...

Schools That Work

96% of these grads are accepted to two- or four-year colleges The motto of the Cristo Rey Network of high schools is Schools That Work. The dictum pays tribute to the schools’ success at graduating at-risk urban youth and its innovative work-study program, which...

Lighting the Way

Help for homeless pregnant girls and women When you’re 16 or 18 years old, alone, homeless, and pregnant, it’s hard to believe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. But in Chicago there is. It’s called Bright Endeavors, a candle-making operation. But before that,...

Sing, Shout, Learn, & Work

At Cara, motivation is a mighty force Four mornings a week, joy and determination break out in a loft space just west of Chicago’s Loop. Some 60 men and women form an exuberant circle to share their stories, cheer each other on, sing, dance, applaud, and address...

Getting Ahead

The first step: imagine life as it could be People arrive at Crossroads, a supportive living program for men and women transitioning out of homelessness, from every stage of life and also loss—loss of family, friends, home, job, health. But they also arrive with...

In Focus: Denver

Countering high homelessness rates with pathways to self-sufficiency With Denver’s beautiful Rocky Mountain backdrop and booming job market, one might think the city has just the right ingredients for success. But Denver has a homelessness problem. The city has one of...

Star Struck

Tech graduates shine in work and community When David Williams ran out of money during his first year at Illinois State University, he went home to Chicago’s Austin neighborhood, where the unemployment rate is nearly 23 percent. Living with his mother, he enrolled in...

A Recipe for Hunger

Life-saving food, with a dash of life-saving education Even though she’s offering samples of freshly prepared food, Melissa Moreno meets some hesitance as she visits with the folks waiting for groceries at the Food Bank of Northern Nevada’s mobile unit, called Mobile...

Breakthrough Changes for Single Parents

A human services story from Denver When April arrived at Warren Village in Denver, Colorado, she had a six-month old son; a violent, unrepentant husband; and nowhere to go. Offering affordable housing and a range of services, Warren Village addressed her needs—and...

What 120 Days Can Do

For the homeless, follow-up makes the difference For 25 years, Community LINC has been helping families in Kansas City, Missouri, escape homelessness and poverty. In 2012, with support from the McGowan Fund, Community LINC launched the Interim Housing and Aftercare...

Where Job Skills Are on the Menu

In Rochester, food preparation is job preparation Foodlink’s founder, Tom Ferraro, once said, “There is no thinking outside the box. There is only living outside the box.” To solve problems outside the box, you have to live there, and Foodlink does, with 11 programs...

Leaps, Bounds, and Lots of Celery

A heart-healthy program becomes a growing movement You might say Pam Hoffman threw herself into teaching healthy living to her 3–5 year olds at the Back Mountain Day Care center in Shavertown, Pennsylvania. One day, the kids made ants on a log (celery, peanut butter,...

Reversing a Heartbreaking Trend

Low-income children learn to eat right Daycare providers in low-income areas sometimes struggle to promote healthy lifestyles and offer nutritious food that appeals to children. Parents struggle, too, worrying about their children’s health and may have difficulty...

Taking Aim at Metabolic Syndrome

An innovative program is changing outcomes Approximately 35 percent of the U.S. population has metabolic syndrome, a combination of conditions that increases a person’s risk for heart disease. Individuals with metabolic syndrome are twice as likely to develop heart...

Coming Home to a Cause

Eva Liu’s work blends her passion and skills From her office at Chicago Beyond, a nonprofit organization, Eva Liu looks back at a surprising journey that has taken her from her neighborhood school in Chicago’s Chinatown to Harvard University and to The Wharton School,...

Values at Work in a Developing World

Everywhere he goes, ethics prove crucial When Gordon McLaughlin looks back, he remembers being a young Columbia University MBA student, answering questions about ethics in an effort to win a McGowan Fellowship, and feeling a natural alignment with the things he’d read...